Monday, May 19, 2008

Billy Bass

I am really into fish now, especially since I discovered they can sing!

Party at the Park!

We had a party at the park for Madison's birthday, more cupcakes!

Drew and Sarah enjoying a treat!

Madison after eating her cupcake!

Hailey playing on the duck

I'm getting big crossing the bridge by myself

Kaden playing on moon bars

me and mommy

All Boy!

I am all boy when it comes to dirt, sand and trucks!! I make dirt look good!

Madison's Birthday!

The kids who were at Madison's birthday party: Alex, Dylan, Madison, Drew and Me

Drew and I playing ball

Drew loved the new ball that Madison got with her basketball hoop.

Madison's great Hello Kitty cake!

Madison enjoying her delicious birthday cake!

Happy 4th Birthday Madison! What a great party!!

The Zoo!

My friends and I took a little trip to the Wahpeton Zoo, we had so much fun! Thanks Sarah and Gina for brining your kids too!

I got to feed the goat at the barn inside the zoo. When the goat nibbled on my fingers I just giggled and let him do it again!

Here's Connor, Kaden, Grant and Hailey standing in front of the zebras.

Grant, Connor and Kaden loved the otters.

The gang is all here - Grant, Madison, Connor, Kaden, Drew, Me and Hailey!

The zoo really wore me out, I fell asleep and Hailey is pretending to sleep but is smiling for the camera too!


You found me! I was hiding in the trees in my camoflauge coat!

The Ladies!

Here's Auntie Sarah, Great Grandma Ruth and Mommy taking pictures again!

Auntie Sarah and Mommy - AGAIN!


My cousin Myah and I love to ham it up for the camera! Mommy calls her Squirrel so I'm trying to say it too, so far I have "Rrel"!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Who ya gonna call?

Great Grandma Ruth and I were chatting away on the phone! We called Bapa Greg several times and had so much fun doing so!

What is Art?

Does art have to be on paper, or clay or even on a wall? I think that I classify as art!

A few minutes after paiting..

I finally triumphed the ladder! I had no fear climbing up to the top step with my blanket in hand! Daddy caught me getting up there and snapped this picture - notice I froze thinking I was in trouble.

Mommy's Big Helper!

My mommy has been very busy painting and I think I'm big enough to help her! I had my own paint brush and pan and even learned to climb up the ladder.

This is as high as I would go my first time up the ladder!

I've got my brush and my pan, now where do you want me to paint?

I'll just paint the floor!

Cool Boots!

I think Uncle Jeff's cowboy boots are the coolest! I love to wear them, but I still have a little room for my feet to grow!

Slumber Party!

My cousins Madison and Drew came over for a Slumber Party! We all got into our pj's and played until we fell asleep and woke up bright and early to make pancakes and play some more!

Drew and I playing!

Madison is too funny! I'm so glad she is my big cousin!!

Drew and I splashin' in the tub!

My girl, Lelah!

Lelah and I have so much playing together, thanks for having me over Lelah! I had fun playing hide and seek with you!


Not only is Angus my dog but he's my pony too! He let's me sit on him and ride him around. He is such a good dog!

Piggy Bank!

Bapa Greg is teaching me to save money in my piggy bank. I'm getting pretty good at getting the coins in there but don't understand why I can't shake them back out!

The New Wagon!

Grandma Gail bought (soon to be here) Cousin Ace and I a new wagon for her house. I'm just breaking it in for the two of us!