Friday, September 14, 2007

Grady's First Parade

Grady made his appearance at his first parade to see his "Aunt" Kathy drive the 420! He was very excited about the candy (though he didn't get to eat any) and he got his first bead necklace! (smiles) Grady and his Daddy bundled up as it was a little cold.

Grady thinks "Aunt" Kathy is the coolest because she was driving the tractor. Grady is definitely a boy.. he loves his trucks and tractors!!

Happy Birthday Uncle Brad!

To My Uncle Brad....

I wanted to e-mail you to say... and to tell you that I miss you THIS much!

I love you and can't wait celebrate with you, Uncle Brad, and some cake too!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fall Days...

Grady is absolutely lovin' these fall days, he has a couple new play mates that venture with him to the park every day! Grady loves playing in the sand/rocks and swinging. He tried the slide a couple times but isn't certain about it yet. He absolutely loves having play dates with his cousins Madison and Drew too!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Well it was sad to see the summer coming to a close but we were able to enjoy the last of the lake for the season. Grady especially loved getting wet with his friends and cousins! Grady's Godmother Angie, her sister Nikki and neices came to visit on Saturday and Grady showed the girls just how adventurous he is in the water! On Monday Angelo and Christian made waves with our little man! Will and I also got to splash around and hit the boat one last time this year too!

Grady hanging out with Grandma too!
Angelo with his Uncle Willie

Auntie Angie came to visit Grady!!

Christian and his Daddy!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Grady's First Twins Game!

We took Grady to his first Twins game! Grady laughed, he clapped, he cheered and he talked to everyone sitting around us! He did great, and he even got his own seat (people next to us didn't show up)! He was thrilled to sit in seat number 5!
He was all smiles!
We all had our gear on, Gooooo Twins!!

Grady Loves the Water

Grady has gotten ample opportunity to spend time in the lake, he loves it! Whether he is spending his days lounging in the water, swimming or just playing in the sand he just can't get enough! We are very fortunate to have a water lovin' kid!