Friday, March 14, 2008

Bring on the...

FAME!!! I am ready for the bright lights with my shades on!

Snapshots with Grandparents Froslee

Bapa Greg and Me being silly!
Grandma Gail and I getting ready to go!
Great Grandma Ruth and me

Drew's First Birthday!

I was so excited to go to Drew's First Birthday Party! Thanks for inviting me to celebrate with you, Drew!

Drew and I played in the wrapping paper!

I was very happy to help Drew eat his cake!

Drew wasn't very messy when eating his cake but he sure had fun and so did I!

Happy Birthday Drew!!

Pretend Slumber Party!

Kaden, Hailey and I had a little slumber party! We all got in our pj's and my mommy and daddy made us a fort to sleep in! We loved it!

Music Class

I have been taking a music class with many of my friends and I enjoy it a lot!

We got to play with a parachute one day while singing and dancing. Kaden, Hailey and I had so much fun hiding under the parachute!

I also got to play the piano a few times.

But my favorite thing to do is play drums... I have discovered that I can make all sorts of different noises by using my drum stick on the carpet, the ball or on a chair!

Can you find me?

You count....

I'll hide....

Here I am, you found me!

Swingin' from the fan

Some nights I have so much energy I feel like I'm swinging from the ceiling fan!

My Bapa!

My Bapa and I have so much fun together, he plays these fun airplane games with me and I like to snuggle up to him even though he gives me whisker rubs!

Me and my Mommy!

Mommy and I were gearing up to go out for dinner, but we had to click a pic of me wearing Mommy's hat and Mommy wearing Daddy's hat!


Everyone says I'm a Mini-Me of my Daddy, but I just don't see it!


I am VERY much in love with Casey's awesome Chocolate Cake! Casey, you can make this for me anytime!! Thank you for bringing over dessert!

The shirt says it all...

It's true, I am "Grandpa's Right Hand Man"!

My friend Hailey

I like to spend much of my time playing with Hailey, lately I've been very happy to share my rocking chair with her!